Unsaturated Fat is my small virtual place where I can talk in raw what I think about all the men in my life. The men who made me fat, inside and out.

Random: Free-fall

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I hate it. I spent the whole day thinking over and over the right words to say when I had to face him the other night. And I hate it. I hate myself for being silent all throughout the night. Perhaps I could do more practice for me to throw out those lines or some super extra mega heavy dose of courage might help. How could I not tell him what I feel? About him, about me and about us. Why do I keep on smiling when I with him when all the while I've been troubled with what I feel.

But sometimes it comes to my mind that what I feel does not really matter to him. Maybe, this illusion of a promising love story only exists in my part of the river and eventually would never come true.

Or maybe what I need to do is to face the fact that all along, I knew that there was nothing special between the two of us. Just a couple of uncommitted paid sex and nothing more.
1 Extra Toppings:

dont lose hope ate...kaya mo yan...love will come...don't worry!

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What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains.

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